In our last email we paid tribute to South Pacific, the famous Rogers and Hammerstein musical. Today we delve back into the movie archive for a shameless pun on a song from another R&H masterpiece, The Sound of Music, a tale of the vicissitudes and coming of age of a novice nun called Maria in Austria on the eve of the Anschluss. Maria is a bit of a problem child, but her challenges are resolved by a handsome sea captain and a bunch of singing children. Happy days, and they all live blissfully ever after once they’ve escaped to Switzerland. What’s not to love? We’ll happily drink a cocktail or three to that, complete with cherry and a paper umbrella!

Fast forwarding halfway across the world, today’s tale is of a different Moorea, but also involves mountains. We’re talking fantabulous volcanic peaks rising jaggedly into the blue sky above the warm and balmy tropical waters of the oceans of French Polynesia. It’s 124 sq. kms of very beautiful, mystical and spiritual wonder, known from afar for its rugged mountains and closer at hand for it’s stunning expanses of sandy beach washed by translucent waters and backed by lush verdant vegetation. Just a hop and a skip from Tahiti, it’s all rather dreamlike.

If it all sounds rather idyllic then it is. Once you’ve got there and settled-in to your hotel room-by-sea, everything is hunky-dory. But you’ve got to get there, and you’ve got to know which hotel to stay in and then, most importantly, what to do with the dream-time you’ve walked into. That means you need a local expert with a ‘no problem’ attitude to give you the low down on the high spots.
For more information about our wide range of holidays & trips in Greece and French Polynesia get in touch with our experienced team on our contact us page.